Keynote Presentation in Cairo
Professor Jardine was a keynote speaker at OMAINTEC 2018 in Cairo, November 18-20, 2018. His presentation was on “An Analytic Toolbox for Evidence-Based Asset Management.”
Professor Andrew Jardine:
More than 30 years’ experience helping companies use their data wisely
Photo Credit: Stephen Uhraney
Professor Jardine was a keynote speaker at OMAINTEC 2018 in Cairo, November 18-20, 2018. His presentation was on “An Analytic Toolbox for Evidence-Based Asset Management.”
At OMAINTEC 2018 in Cairo, Professor Jardine led a two-hour workshop on “The Role of Analytics to Optimise Maintenance and Replacement Decisions.”
Andrew Jardine was keynote speaker at COPIMERA, Medellin, Colombia, October 18-20, 2017. He spoke on “Evidence Based Asset Management in the Era of Big Data.” From the left: Hugo Ospino from Colombia, Asociacion Colombiana de Ingenieros, Andrew Jardine, Luis Hernández from Argentina, Copimera Internacional. The florist is on the right.
Andrew Jardine was recently recognized for his exceptional contribution to the field of industrial engineering and operations management when he received a 2016 Distinguished Educator Award from the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society.
Professor Andrew Jardine has joined the International Editorial Advisory Committee for the West Indian Journal of Engineering. The WIJE is an international journal with a focus on the Caribbean region. Since its inception in 1967, it has been published twice yearly by the Faculty of Engineering at The University of the West Indies and the Council of Caribbean Engineering Organisations in Trinidad and Tobago. For a link to the journal click here.
Dr. Turuna Seecharan, formerly a postdoctoral fellow at C-MORE, now has a position at University of Minnesota Duluth in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. Turuna worked on AUTO21 eco-drive, a collaborative project with the City of Waterloo, Virage Simulation and FleetCarma. Turuna won an AUTO21 TestDRIVE competition by explaining how the eco-drive project benefits Canada, and the City of Waterloo won a national innovation award.
Professor Jardine was recently interviewed by the Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA). Questions included: What is the role of Condition-Based Maintenance in strategies such as Reactive or Preventive Maintenance? His responses appear in the December 2015 edition of the ViBs newsletter. To read the whole interview, click here
Professor Andrew Jardine received a plaque during the 13th International Operations and Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries (OMAINTEC), in Cairo. The plaque was presented by former Prime Minister of Egypt, H.E. Eng. Ibrahim Mahlab, Institute Chairman Dr. Mohammad Al Fouzan and Vice Chairman Dr. Al Sarraj.
Postdoctoral Fellow Maliheh Aramon (PhD 2014) is now working professionally, effective September 1, 2015. In the photo of a party in her honour, Maliheh is third from the left.
The August/September issue of Uptime includes an article written by Dr. Ali Zuashkiani, Professor Andrew K.S. Jardine, and Dr. Elizabeth Thompson, “Evidence Based Asset Management (EBAM): Actionable Intelligence in the Era of Big Data.” Uptime Magazine. View the PDF.
Professor Jardine will lead an extensive eight-day Physical Asset Management Certificate Program at U of T, November 6-10, 13-15, 2017. The course is run by the School of Continuing Studies; information can be found at the Continuing Studies website. View the PDF.
Professor Jardine with a 50T truck 4000 feet underground in Northern Canada.
Dr. Andrew K.S. Jardine is Founding Director of the Centre for Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering (C-MORE) at the University of Toronto.
C-MORE’s research is driven by close interactions with industries and university researchers globally. Professor Jardine has carried out consulting assignments around the world, including mines, government agencies, power and transit companies, and scores of others.
Professor Jardine with the Physical Asset Management (PAM) class at the University of Toronto.
C-MORE researchers, students and associates.